• Data Wise course participants having a discussion with faculty

    Data Wise Project

    Supporting schools and systems in taking an equity lens when using collaborative data inquiry so each student thrives

system wise cover

System Wise: Continuous Improvement at Scale is now available! If you seek to improve how schools and organizations use data, order your copy today.

The Data Wise Project supports educators in using collaborative data inquiry to drive continuous improvement of teaching and learning for all students.

Based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and in partnership with educators around the world, we offer a suite of on-campus and online courses that teach a step-by-step process and habits of mind for using a wide range of data sources to improve instruction.

We are founded on the principle that all children and the adults that serve them deserve to be held to high expectations for continuous growth.

The Data Wise Portfolio

Whether you are just starting out with Data Wise or ready to apply to become a Certified Coach, we’ve got the course for you.

The Data Wise Improvement Process

The Data Wise Improvement Process is an eight-step model that guides teams of educators from schools or systems in using a wide range of data sources to improve instruction.

1: Organize for collective work. 2: Build assessment literacy. 3: Create data overview. 4: Dig into student data. 5: Examine instruction. 6: Develop action plan. 7: Plan to assess progress. 8: Act and assess.