Donna Lyons Drakeford

donnadrakefordDonna Lyons Drakeford currently serves as a Systemic Improvement Specialist in Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland. Facilitating the implementation of the Data Wise Improvement Process for school leaders and leadership teams and division/department leaders and leadership teams. Donna’s previous roles included providing technical and instructional support while serving as a Resource Teacher in the Department of School Improvement, and Title I. She most recently served as a Performance Management Associate responsible for building data literacy for a targeted group of school leaders and leadership teams. These school teams were the beginning stages of the work of improvement for this district using the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Data Wise Improvement Process under the guidance of Pursue Excellence. Donna is an accomplished instructor of elementary, middle and high school students, with a focus on Elementary Education as an undergraduate studies and Early Childhood Special Education as a graduate student; she has demonstrated success at increasing student achievement, receiving formal training from East Tennessee State University and George Washington University.